Make more money with Moemoney - click to contact usMOEMONEY Computer Services



  Our objective is to specialize on new, small business efforts to initially enter onto the internet and make more money through all aspects of electronic commerce.  No technical expertise is required on your part.  We will explain what we can do for you in terms you can understand.  Personal consultations with you from beginning to end of our customized services will provide everything you need to compete effectively and enhance your profits.  There is absolutely no need for you to divert your attention, manpower and money away from your core business competencies.
A comprehensive plan with an exact statement of work will be developed for you.
provide a "turn key" approach for you.   We do it all for you! We will design, develop, produce your web home page, acquire an internet service provider (ISP) to host your site and be available to increase traffic and cusotmers.  Before we design your site we will contact you.  Only until we fully understand your objectives and can appreciate your unique needs will we begin developing your site.   You can determine colors, backgrounds, text, site navigation and various functionality.  With these plans you will know the cost and what you are purchasing.   There are no hidden charges.  A Statement of Work  will be prepared for you explaining in detail what we will provide and the itemized cost to you.  We will enumerate the one time costs and the continuing costs to give you maximum internet presence with minimal involvement in the technical. 
Our qualifications allow us to assume total responsibility for implementation of any contracted service.  This relieves the need for you to develop in house experts capable of supporting new and innovative infrastructure improvements.
    Finally, the cost of all our services are predictable  AND affordable.



E mail:
1440 Coral Ridge Dr, Coral Springs, Fl 33071

                Website by MOEMONEY  for less money.  Email us for your website .
Design, production & management by Maurice Tricarico Jr.